Warragul RSL will host a get together of RAEME Veterans on Saturday November 30th 2024.
The event is an initiative of Warragul RSL members and RAEME Veterans to celebrate the RAEME birthday being 1st December.
An invitation is extended to all RAEME Veterans [full time or reserve, active or retired], or those who served in RAEME units (RPS, admin etc), to be part this semi formal get together. The Invitation extends to partners and their children.
1700 - Ales on Albert bar open
1745 - Guests seated
1750 - Formal welcome. MC Paul Turner
1755 - Special welcome Ben Vahland Warragul RSL President followed by the Ode
1830 - Meals served
Guest Speakers: RAEME members from the Vietnam war; Timor Leste and Iraq conflicts
Q&A with selected veterans – some light hearted banter
Slide show on the big screen with images of RAEME at work in various operations from Vietnam to Timor Leste and other theatres.
Medals and appropriate dress code is encouraged to be worn in respect of service.
Please note that the total numbers are limited to 80. We expect that the seats will fill quickly, we encourage those intending to be part of the night to book now.
Cost - Meal [mains, desert, tea coffee] $25.00
Ales on Albert Members Bar open drinks at bar prices.
Bookings: admin@warragul rsl.com.au with name, contact phone, email address and number attending. Once your booking is received you will be emailed with bank details for payment. Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received.
ARTE et MARTE - "with skill and fighting".
To book:
Once your booking is received you will be emailed with bank details for payment approximately 4-6 weeks before the event. Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received.
Follow this link: RAEME Muster Booking
You will be asked to provide an email address; a confirmation of your booking will be sent to this email address. It will also allow you to update your booking from the link in the confirmation email if needed. If you need to cancel your booking, please call Mark on 0434 280 231.
Email: Warragul RSL (please include your name, contact details and number attending)
Call: 0480 257 478